*Αποστολή σε 2-4 εργάσιμες μέρες
Τιμή Λεμόνι: 8,92 €
Modern Greek for everyday use
Phrase book with a tourist guide supplement
Επιμέλεια: ·Αθανασία Μπαλαφούτη
Έκδοση: 1985 από "Άλφα Εκδοτική"
Σελ.:279 (17χ12), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
Θέμα: "Ελληνική γλώσσα - Διδακτικά βιβλία για ξένους"
Is a new book that will prove very handy to foreign visitors of Greece who do not speak greek.
Although it looks like a common phrase book, in fact it is quite unique, because of the several particularly useful features which have been incorporated. These are the following:
a. Modern Greek for every day use is based on modern grammar and the new stress marking system is used.
b. Not only simple phrases but complete dialogues have been introdused wherever possible.
c. Vocabulary for every particular subject is presented separately.
d. A modern and simple pronunciation transcription has been used.
e. Several grammatical and syntactical items are introduced, so that the book can be used on its own as an elementary self-study book.
f. A brief tourist guide for Greece and particularly Attica has been included.
(1985) Neugriechisch für jeden Tag, Άλφα Εκδοτική