*Αποστολή σε 2-4 εργάσιμες μέρες
Τιμή Λεμόνι: 7,83 €
The Most Beautiful Beaches in Crete
A Guide to Hidden, Picturesque Locations along the Cretan Coastline
Συγγραφή: ·Alberta Galla ·Michele Buonsanti
Μετάφραση: ·Stefano Pastorello
Εικονογράφιση: ·Cristina Cazzanello
Φωτογραφία: ·Michele Buonsanti
Έκδοση: 2006 από "Mystis Editions"
Σελ.:122 (22χ12), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-6655-11-3
Θέμα: "Κρήτη - Περιγραφή και ταξίδια - Οδηγοί"
This guidebook is the result of many "expeditions" across the island of Crete, which the authors went on in their quest to find the island's secret beaches: sites that are almost "hidden" or which can be reached often only on foot, and out-of-the-way places at the end of gorges or valleys generally with no amenities or facilities for tourists. It is for this reason that you will need a good map, an adventurous spirit, a strong desire to go and provisions needed for the impervious paths and excursions described.
Ideally, this guide was written for tourists who are real "travelers", who prefer to avoid crowds of visitors and want to do their own thing. With these individuals in mind, we selected a few particular sites, and have attempted to provide all the information necessary to reach them. At the same time, our aim was to convey to the reader some of the sensations we experienced ourselves when we first discovered these fascinating locations.
A large number of the beaches indicated are close to important historic or religious sites and, whenever possible, we indicate the prosence of Minoan, Doric, Greek and Roman archeological sites, churches that date back to the Byzantine period, and the fortifications and castles which bear witness to the long period of Venetian domination.
(2009) Οι πιο ωραίες εκδρομές στην Κρήτη, Mystis Editions
(2009) Le più belle escursioni a Creta, Mystis Editions
(2009) The Most Beautiful Excursions in Crete, Mystis Editions
(2009) Die schönsten Ausflüge auf Kreta, Mystis Editions
(2009) Самые красивые экскурсии на Крите, Mystis Editions
(2006) Οι ομορφότερες παραλίες της Κρήτης, Mystis Editions
(2006) Le più belle spiagge di Creta, Mystis Editions
(2006) Les plus belles plages de Grete, Mystis Editions
(2006) Die Schönsten Strände Kretas, Mystis Editions
(2005) Candia Veneziana, Mystis Editions
(2005) Candia Veneziana, Mystis Editions