Εξαντλημένο και χωρίς δυνατότητα παραγγελίας στον εκδότη
Τιμή Λεμόνι: 20,29 €
Candia Veneziana
Venetian Itineraries through Crete: A Guide to the Historical Remains of The Venetian Dominion
Συγγραφή: ·Michele Buonsanti ·Alberta Galla
Μετάφραση: ·Stefano Pastorello
Έκδοση: 2005 από "Mystis Editions"
Σελ.:244 (17χ13), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-88534-5-1
Θέμα: "Κρήτη - Περιγραφή και ταξίδια - Οδηγοί" "Κρήτη - Ιστορία"
The island of Crete is famous for its natural beauty and fascinating archeological sites, however it also conceals many historical remains of the Venetian domination, which lasted from 1204 to 1669. For over two years, the authors of this book journeyed to and fro across the island, of every trace of Venetian life that they could find in the many castles, fortified homes, towers, fountains, palazzi, country villas, and places of worship built during the so - called period of Venetocracy. The outcome of the author's research and investigations, integrated with the wealth of information gleaned from contemporary documents, reports and diaries of Venetian officials and the various specialized works of scholars and historians, is presented in this book as a journey through the world of the Venetian domination and represents an original exploration of the island.
(2009) Οι πιο ωραίες εκδρομές στην Κρήτη, Mystis Editions
(2009) Le più belle escursioni a Creta, Mystis Editions
(2009) The Most Beautiful Excursions in Crete, Mystis Editions
(2009) Die schönsten Ausflüge auf Kreta, Mystis Editions
(2009) Самые красивые экскурсии на Крите, Mystis Editions
(2006) Οι ομορφότερες παραλίες της Κρήτης, Mystis Editions
(2006) The Most Beautiful Beaches in Crete, Mystis Editions
(2006) Le più belle spiagge di Creta, Mystis Editions
(2006) Les plus belles plages de Grete, Mystis Editions
(2006) Die Schönsten Strände Kretas, Mystis Editions
(2005) Candia Veneziana, Mystis Editions